Root Canal Procedure
Dr Rosenson and Dr Chen are dentists in HDA , who performed thousands of root canal procedures for their patients. Dr Chen is a Board Certified Endodontist and Dr Rosenson is a general dentist. They employ modern technology including microscope to achieve the best possible treatment results. Root canal therapy is an extremely effective way of saving and keeping natural teeth. The procedure has a very high success rate and includes completing the root canal and finishing with a crown. To understand the treatment, it helps to know the anatomy of the tooth. Inside the tooth and its roots, there is a soft tissue, called pulp. It contains mostly blood vessels and nerves, connecting the tooth to surrounding gum tissue.
Root canal therapy is necessary when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. It can happen due to different causes: deep decay, fractured teeth, deep previous restorations or trauma. Signs of a problem with nerve may include pain, hot and cold sensitivity, discomfort to touch, swelling, fistula or discoloration. Modern technology and anesthetics make root canal treatment a lot more comfortable than before.
The root canal procedure involves removing decayed or damaged area of the tooth root, removing the pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the space inside the tooth, where the pulp used to be, and, finally, sealing it. To make procedure more efficient, our office utilities digital X-ray imaging, modern nickel- titanium rotary instruments and electronic apex locators. It helps for a more accurate and precise treatment, as well as making it more time efficient.
After the root canal treatment is completed, if the tooth lacks enough structure, it may require post and crown. Root canal treatment is a more conservative treatment alternative to tooth extraction.
About Dr. Michael Chen - Our Endodontist

Dr. Michael Chen grew up in Boston, MA, and Huntsville, AL, before graduating from Duke University with a dual degree in Economics and Mathematics. He then attended Harvard School of Dental Medicine for his DMD and completed his specialty training in Endodontics at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. As a resident, Dr. Chen presented his research at the American Association of Endodontists annual meetings each year. Dr. Chen is accredited by the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments and the Central Regional Dental Testing Service, and holds licenses to practice in New Jersey and New York. He is a member of the American Association of Endodontists and American Dental Association