Our Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Victor Rosenson
Free Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation at Hawthorne Dental Associates!
There are two main goals when it comes to your teeth: health and appearance. We all know that the health side of the matter is particularly important, but less is often said about the other side of the issue. If you are worried not about the state of your oral health, but about how your teeth look, what can you do, and where should you turn?
Let’s be honest about it: for the vast majority of people, having a winning smile is indeed important, and it’s something that most people would admit to spending time on trying to achieve. Cosmetic dentistry is just a way of ensuring that your efforts to make your smile look better last. After all, who better to trust with your smile than a highly qualified dentist? So what can our cosmetic dentist Hawthorne NJ actually do for you in terms of how your teeth appear?
Well, plenty. There are a huge number of cosmetic issues which patients commonly complain of, and you can be sure that we have a permanent and satisfactory solution for each and everyone. Even if you think that you are the first person to experience the trouble you’re having with your teeth’s appearance, you are almost certainly wrong. So what are the common complaints exactly?
Teeth not being aligned properly has to be one of them. Whether it is due to having a chronic underbite, or because you had to have a tooth extracted, your teeth going out of alignment can be a real hassle. There is also the fact that, as with many cosmetic problems, it can cause more serious health concerns as well. Keeping your teeth aligned might be more important than you think. Fortunately, we can offer a simple and powerful solution: Invisalign. Using this method, we can align and straighten your teeth quickly and effectively.
But that’s not the only cosmetic concern which you might be facing. Another common issue is a tooth missing a section, perhaps a crack for example, which affects the way your smile appears. In this instance, we can easily fit porcelain veneers, a permanent fix which will have you smiling again in no time. Alternatively, we could install a crown, which is placed over the top of the tooth and acts as a visual replacement for the head of the tooth - but a permanent one, and one which nobody will guess you have.
Easily one of the most common complaints is discoloration. This happens over time no matter how careful you are; although certain habits such as smoking tobacco or drinking coffee can hasten it a lot. If you have discolored teeth, it can dramatically depress your confidence - but we can offer you a simple and effective teeth whitening Hawthorne NJ regime which will have your teeth looking as good as new in no time.
If you have any broken, damaged or missing teeth, it is a matter of both cosmetic care and dental hygiene, and you should definitely get in touch as soon as possible. But even for more minor concerns, you can be sure that we will help you to get your confident and winning smile back again fast and securely. Get in touch today so we can discuss your options.